Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2

Learning math can be fun and connective. Welcome to the online Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 courses that students love.

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What is Yay Math? Take a look inside and see it from the perspective of parents and students who love it.

It's possible to have a high-quality math learning experience, while also feeling positive the entire time. Here's how:

Learning can be one of our lives' most fulfilling experiences. Or it can be downright dreadful. No matter where they live, students deserve a high quality learning program. They deserve to be engaged and inspired, to laugh along with goofy class jokes, and to feel validated because they have the same question as someone else in the room.

This must be our mission, and nothing less:

1.) to offer students a gratifying math experience

2.) one that teaches them everything they need to know, at a high level

3.) one that leaves them feeling good about the subject, and themselves, afterwards

Indeed, students need to learn math now, for their current coursework. But the stakes of this moment extend far after their mathematics courses are behind them. Students carry with them both positive and negative memories of learning... for the rest of their lives. Decades from now, they shouldn't be saying, "UGH, I'm just no good at math." They could be saying, "You know I really enjoy math; it's all kinda like a puzzle."

It's no secret that their relationship with math now impacts the rest of their lives. Their career choices, self-confidence, and even just feeling comfortable while talking numbers, or while handling their finances.

Some people... well, lots of people in fact, immediately associate math learning with negative emotions. And no matter how much a student, parent, or teacher valiantly grits their teeth and tries to get through it, we all know the truth. The truth is that no one can learn at their best if their mind and emotions are locked in a negative state.

That's the burning reason behind what I do. If such values resonate with you as well, then so too will this program. Thank you for considering it.

Math Courses Included with Purchase

Learning math can actually be fun and connective. Welcome to the online Algebra course that students are excited to learn from.
Robert Ahdoot
The Yay Math online Geometry course that students are excited to learn from.
Robert Ahdoot
Algebra 2
Welcome to Yay Math's complete online Algebra 2 course. Learning math can actually be fun and connective.
Robert Ahdoot

Original Price: $279

Let's make math education inspirational, and fun.

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